Pavel Stratan, father of Cleopatra, was in a studio recording a song and as 3 years old Cleopatra was hanging around the studio. One time she grabbed a microphone and started singing the song along Pavel. Everybody was so stunned that they ended up recording the song with Cleopatra as main vocals rather than Pavel. The song was "Mama" ("Mother"). After that Cleopatra recorded several other songs, basically a full album, and had some concerts as well. She is amazing on the stage as well as in studio. Some suggest that as she is younger than Shirley Temple, she should go in the Guinness Book of World Records as the youngest talent ever (3 years old) to perform on stage, have her own album and already record several videos. In Romania, Moldova, and also around the world (her songs have already been translated to English and Spanish) there seems to be growing a tremendous fan base.
"La vârsta de trei ani" ("At the age of 3") was a double platinum disk in the summer of 2006. As of 2006, Cleopatra's biggest hit is the song "Ghiţă".
Ghitzä is short nickname for George.
The song translation:
"My little coat hangs on a hook
Outside the sun seems to be doomed
Nothing has been good since
I've been thinking about Ghita.
But Ghita is not in the village
I inquired about it.
It appears to me that he is gone,
Over the border...
It's hard, very hard for me,
I want, but I don't know what I want.
I know that you like me,
Tell me, Ghita, why are you silent?
Either come or go,
Either say yes or no,
Please don't get on my nerves,
Ghita, what's going on with you?
Ghita, I'll wait for you this evening at the door gate
Beside the door gate of the school.
Come, but don't come as usual, empty-handed.
Who is waiting for you just like I do?
The whole evening is only for you.
Ghita, show me a girl who loves you this much!"
joi, 12 iulie 2007
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:
"Cleopatra Stratan (born October 6, 2002 in Chisinau, Moldova), daughter of Moldovan-Romanian singer, Pavel Stratan, is one of the youngest people ever to score commercial success as a singer, with her 2006 album La vârsta de trei ani ("At the age of 3").
Pavel Stratan, father of Cleopatra, was in a studio recording a song with 3 years old Cleopatra hanging around. Impulsively, she grabbed a microphone and started singing along with Pavel. Everybody was stunned so they ended up recording the song with Cleopatra performing the lead vocals rather than Pavel. The song was "Mama" (mother). After that, Cleopatra recorded several other songs, basically a full album, and eventually performed some concerts.
She is amazing on the stage as well as in studio. Some suggest that as she is younger than Shirlee Temple, she should be included in the Guinness Book of World Records as the youngest talent ever to perform on stage and record her own album. In Romania, Moldova, and around the world, there seems to be a growing fan base. Some of her songs have already been translated into English and Spanish.[citation needed]
La vârsta de trei ani ("At the age of 3") was a double platinum disk in the summer of 2006 for selling more than 150,000 albums in Romania. In December 2006, her father anounced that until the next album (possibly in one or two years), she will no longer sing publicly. [1]
As of 2006, Cleopatra's biggest hit is the song "Ghiţă"Albums
La vârsta de 3 ani (2006, Pop Album, Total length: 58:16)
- Ghiţă 3:17
- Cuţu 3:03
- Te-am întâlnit 2:38
- Şansa 2:22
- Noapte bună! 3:54
- Surprize 3:23
- Număr pân' la unu 2:45
- Mama 3:58
- De ce? 4:15
- Zuzu-zuzu 2:08
- Oare cât? 2:01
- Pasărea pistruie 3:44 "
marți, 10 iulie 2007
luni, 9 iulie 2007
marți, 3 iulie 2007
Cleopatra Stratan debuteaza in actorie
| |
Serialul va fi un proiect amplu si de durata, de pe urma caruia toate partile ar avea mult de castigat, atat pe plan mediatic, cat si pe plan financiar. Tocmai de aceea tatal vedetei de patru ani, Cleopatra, a cerut timp de gindire pana in toamna.
De fapt, au fost mai multe imprejurari care l-au determinat pe Stratan sa nu refuze din start propunerea. In primul rand, mai marii trustului l-au asigurat ca, fiind vorba de un serial, filmarile nu se vor desfasura intr-un ritm alert, iar micuta Cleo nu va fi solicitata mai mult decat este cazul.
Si in al doilea rand, si cel mai important, se pare ca talentele Cleopatrei nu se limiteaza doar la cantat: "Am descoperit la Cleopatra ca are o chemare spre actorie si spre pictura, ceea ce mi-a dat niste idei, pe care la un moment dat o sa le pun in aplicare", a declarat Pavel Stratan plin de mandrie.
Romanian Top Hits Awards 2007
Best Nr. 1 hit 2007
Cleopatra Stratan – Ghita
DJ Projest - Esti tot ce am
Corina - Overdrive
Simplu feat. Andra - Dracula my love
Voltaj - MSD2
Girls: The best song 2007
Heaven - O parte din rai
Corina - Overdrive
Andreea Banica - Rendez-vous
Elena - Ochii tai caprui
Cleopatra Stratan - Ghita
Anka - Nopti de dor
vineri, 15 iunie 2007
Cleopatra Stratan - Numar pin'la unu
Daca ma`ntelegi da` daca nu,
Nu te`ntrista!
Hop sha, la la la la li li,
Daca stii sa numeri
Numar` 1, 2 si!
Cateodata seara stau pe spate si ma uit in sus!
Altii numara cate stele`s, da` io cate nu`s.
Nu`ncerca degeaba ca oricum nu reusesti
Doar de numeri pana la unu` fara sa te`opresti.
Nu conteaza care`i faza daca nu renunti,
Important e sa tii minte ce trebui sa uiti
Eu as spune ce`i pe bune si ce nu`i perfect,
Dar ma tem ca o sa ma intelegeti corect.
Hop sha, la la la la la la
Daca ma`ntelegi da` daca nu,
Nu te`ntrista!
Ei, hop sha, la la la la li li,
Daca stii sa numeri
Numar` 1, 2 si!
Cine`ar vrea sa afle in ce zodie se afla racul
Cum se`ajunge intr`o secunda in Cuba cu bacul
Si cu ce viteza`ar trebui sa ne oprim,
Care`i antonimul la cuvantul sinonim?
Or mai bine`ar fi sa afli cum e gandit bine,
Daca nu gasesti raspuns, il gasesti la mine
Pentru ca deja sunt mica si am inteles,
La ce varsta am implinit 3 ani.
Mama ce succes!
Hop sha, la la la la la la
Daca ma`ntelegi da` daca nu,
Nu te`ntrista!
Ei, hop sha, la la la la li li,
Daca stii sa numeri
Numar` 1, 2 si!
Hop sha, la la la la la la
Daca ma`ntelegi da` daca nu,
Nu te`ntrista!
Hop sha, la la la la la li li,
Daca stii sa numerï
Numar` 1, 2 sď!
sâmbătă, 12 mai 2007
Sambata, 12 Mai 2007
vineri, 13 aprilie 2007
Cleopatra Stratan, star in Japonia
Raluca Moisa
Dupa ce "Ghita" a facut furori printre japonezi, albumul "La varsta de trei ani" va fi lansat in Tara Soarelui Rasare. VIDEO.
In vacanta, Cleo va filma la Bucuresti cel de-al doilea videoclip |
„Calatoria” Cleopatrei in Tara Soarelui Rasare a inceput inca din toamna anului trecut, cand videoclipul piesei „Ghita” a fost prezentat intr-un show de televiziune japonez. Impactul asupra publicului nipon a fost urias, iar micuta cantareata a cucerit topurile din Japonia, devenind in scurt timp o vedeta. Insa japonezii au vrut mai mult.
Japonezii prefera originalul
„Am fost contactati de reprezentantii Pony Canyon Inc., una dintre cele mai mari case de productii din Japonia. Impreuna cu Cat Music, casa de discuri care ne reprezinta in Romania, am urmat procedurile de colaborare, astfel ca albumul „La varsta de trei ani” va fi lansat in Japonia”, spune Pavel Stratan.
Desi piesa „Ghita” are o varianta in limba engleza, realizata special pentru piata din strainatate, japonezii au preferat originalul. „Au fost propuse ambele versiuni, insa au ales-o pe cea in limba romana”, spune tatal micutei. Pe internet insa circula deja varianta in limba engleza a piesei „Ghita”, versurile fiind traduse de un cumnat al lui Pavel Stratan, dupa cum a precizat artistul.
Cleo nu va sustine concerte
Desi a confirmat ca exista mai multe oferte din strainatate si ca, foarte probabil, albumul fiicei sale va fi lansat in mai multe tari din Europa, Stratan a infirmat insa zvonurile potrivit carora fiica sa va sustine concerte „dupa granita”.
„Nici pentru toti banii din lume n-as fi de acord sa plec cu Cleopatra in vreo tara, pentru vreun concert. Eu consider ca, in momentul de fata, gradinita este mai importanta decat lansarea ei in toata lumea. Iar daca albumul „La varsta de trei ani” e cu adevarat asa de bun cum il considera fanii, se va putea promova si fara prezenta Cleopatrei”, sustine Stratan.
Totusi, cariera artistica a micutei nu va fi neglijata, ea urmand sa filmeze in curand un nou videoclip. „De ceva vreme ne aflam la Chisinau. Eu lucrez la un proiect nou, iar Cleo frecventeaza o gradinita particulara. Insa planuim sa venim la Bucuresti in vacanta, pentru filmarea videoclipului „Numar pan’ la unu””, mai spune artistul