Strofa 1
Am un cutu` mare shi-un pisic mai bland
Eu le dau mancare da` din cand in cand
Ca` sa nu ma vada cand se face ghem
Pe pisic il trag de coada de catzel ma tem
Cand catzelu latra in imprejurul lui
Capra-n 4 orice piatra shi pisicu` nu-i
Strofa 2
Da` catzelul pare altfel decat el are gura mare cum e la catzel
Viata-i mai frumoasa cand te joci cu ei
Doar pisicul are mare ciuda mare pe catzei
Si ca` sa nu-l supar pe pisic mai mult
I-am promis ca o sa-ï cumpar un catzel da` mut
Cleopatra Stratan (born 2003), daughter of Romanian singer, Pavel Stratan, is one of the youngest people ever to score commercial success as a singer, with her 2006 album "La vârsta de trei ani" ("At the age of 3").
Pavel Stratan, father of Cleopatra, was in a studio recording a song and as 3 years old Cleopatra was hanging around the studio. One time she grabbed a microphone and started singing the song along Pavel. Everybody was so stunned that they ended up recording the song with Cleopatra as main vocals rather than Pavel. The song was "Mama" ("Mother"). After that Cleopatra recorded several other songs, basically a full album, and had some concerts as well. She is amazing on the stage as well as in studio. Some suggest that as she is younger than Shirley Temple, she should go in the Guinness Book of World Records as the youngest talent ever (3 years old) to perform on stage, have her own album and already record several videos. In Romania, Moldova, and also around the world (her songs have already been translated to English and Spanish) there seems to be growing a tremendous fan base.
"La vârsta de trei ani" ("At the age of 3") was a double platinum disk in the summer of 2006. As of 2006, Cleopatra's biggest hit is the song "Ghiţă".
Ghitzä is short nickname for George.
The song translation:
"My little coat hangs on a hook
Outside the sun seems to be doomed
Nothing has been good since
I've been thinking about Ghita.
But Ghita is not in the village
I inquired about it.
It appears to me that he is gone,
Over the border...
It's hard, very hard for me,
I want, but I don't know what I want.
I know that you like me,
Tell me, Ghita, why are you silent?
Either come or go,
Either say yes or no,
Please don't get on my nerves,
Ghita, what's going on with you?
Ghita, I'll wait for you this evening at the door gate
Beside the door gate of the school.
Come, but don't come as usual, empty-handed.
Who is waiting for you just like I do?
The whole evening is only for you.
Ghita, show me a girl who loves you this much!"
Pavel Stratan, father of Cleopatra, was in a studio recording a song and as 3 years old Cleopatra was hanging around the studio. One time she grabbed a microphone and started singing the song along Pavel. Everybody was so stunned that they ended up recording the song with Cleopatra as main vocals rather than Pavel. The song was "Mama" ("Mother"). After that Cleopatra recorded several other songs, basically a full album, and had some concerts as well. She is amazing on the stage as well as in studio. Some suggest that as she is younger than Shirley Temple, she should go in the Guinness Book of World Records as the youngest talent ever (3 years old) to perform on stage, have her own album and already record several videos. In Romania, Moldova, and also around the world (her songs have already been translated to English and Spanish) there seems to be growing a tremendous fan base.
"La vârsta de trei ani" ("At the age of 3") was a double platinum disk in the summer of 2006. As of 2006, Cleopatra's biggest hit is the song "Ghiţă".
Ghitzä is short nickname for George.
The song translation:
"My little coat hangs on a hook
Outside the sun seems to be doomed
Nothing has been good since
I've been thinking about Ghita.
But Ghita is not in the village
I inquired about it.
It appears to me that he is gone,
Over the border...
It's hard, very hard for me,
I want, but I don't know what I want.
I know that you like me,
Tell me, Ghita, why are you silent?
Either come or go,
Either say yes or no,
Please don't get on my nerves,
Ghita, what's going on with you?
Ghita, I'll wait for you this evening at the door gate
Beside the door gate of the school.
Come, but don't come as usual, empty-handed.
Who is waiting for you just like I do?
The whole evening is only for you.
Ghita, show me a girl who loves you this much!"
miercuri, 30 august 2006
luni, 21 august 2006
joi, 10 august 2006
Cleopatra Stratan va canta 28 de piese liv
Sursa: Gardianul
Pe 20 august, Cleopatra Stratan, fiica de numai trei ani a cantaretului Pavel Stratan, va sustine primul ei concert live: 28 de piese, dintre care 12 de pe albumul ei si 16 ale taticului. Cu aceasta ocazie, micuta cantareata isi va lansa primul ei album: "La varsta de 3 ani". "Prima iesire pe scena a avut-o la doi ani si jumatate, intr-o statiune de pe litoralul romanesc, la unul din concertele mele", isi aminteste Pavel Stratan. "A fost cam asa: m-am pomenit cu Cleopatra pe scena cerandu-mi microfonul pentru a interpreta ceva. N-am stat pe ganduri si am acompaniat-o", spune cantaretul intr-un interviu in Pro Tv Magazin. Ideea de a scoate un album cu fiica sa i-a venit cand a observat ca inca din primele zile de gradinita Cleopatra se intorcea fericita acasa recitand si cantand toate poeziile si cantecele pe care trebuiau sa le invete ceilalti copii. "Atunci mi-am zis ca, daca tot este atat de dornica de a invata sa recite si sa cante fara ca acest lucru sa fie impus de cineva, de ce sa nu aiba propriul album?!", povesteste cu mandrie taticul celei mai tinere cantarete din Romania.
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